Тексты и переводы песен

Carry On

The Cranberries — Carry On

с альбома: Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (2001)

Carry On

I didn't understand the things you're going through
I never understood, I really never knew
Carry on
Carry on
The sun will always shine
Carry on
Carry on
We'll have a glass of wine
Or cigarette

Take destiny by the hand
And lead it far away
Take it to another land
We will all decay
Carry on
Carry on
The sun will always shine
Carry on
Carry on
We'll have a glass of wine
Or cigarette

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Альбом: "Wake Up And Smell The Coffee" (2001)

The Cranberries - Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
Carry On
Time is tickin' out (Время тикает)
This is the day (Этот день)
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (Проснись и вдохни запах кофе)

Другие тексты песен The Cranberries

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