Тексты и переводы песен

ABBA - I'm Still Alive

ABBA — I'm Still Alive

I'm Still Alive

I was a loser then
But Im a winner now
Ill do it all again
Cause now I know how
How everything in life comes down to this
At last
Survivin and livin
Determined not to give in, and

Im still alive
My life is rolling on
Gently from day to day
Memories will fade away, yes
Im still alive
The agony is gone
And my mind is slowly wakin
And my heart has ceased its achin
Im still alive

I took so many blows (I took so many blows)
I cried a sea of tears
And only heaven knows (And only heaven knows)
How I could stand the fear
I think of all the nights I lay alone
And scared
All shattered and cryin
And thinkin I was dyin

Im still alive
My life is rolling on
Gently from day to day
Memories will fade away, yes
Im still alive
The agony is gone
And my mind is slowly wakin
And my heart has ceased its achin
Im still alive

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